I am (the) on TOP of the page
I link to the bottom of the page - all the way down

Happy h6 Headline

Happy Text

non happy text with at least some happiness due to a class
non happy text with at least some happiness due to style definition on the fly

H1: I am the main heading

H2: and here comes normal text:

This is just some normal text. ... and here some other totally normal text.
Have you noticed that the text is not broken into a new line unless the br-tag is used or the end of the browser window is reached? Try to make the browser window smaller until it starts breaking the text into new lines.

Now some text within a paragraph

...and some more of it.

This is how div is used with some style definition

And this: The work of span. And vanished again.

The p-tag forces line breaks before the start of its content

link to some info graphic

... here comes a list ...
... and another one ...
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  3. list item 3

I link to the top of the page - all the way up
I am the bottomline