Palestine: Transparency International renews accreditation of AMAN

In recognition of AMAN’s achievements and its effective contribution at the national and international levels in the fight against corruption

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In recognition of AMAN-Coalition for Integrity and Accountability’s (AMAN) continued achievements and neutral professional excellence, and its commitment to the principles of transparency and values of integrity, AMAN received renewal for its accreditation as the National Chapter for Transparency International (TI). The renewal decision was taken following a recommendation of the recent meeting held by the TI Accreditation and Membership Committee in Berlin in May 2010.

TI pointed out that AMAN (TI Palestine) shall continue to function with full accreditation as before. It shall continue to have all the rights, privileges and powers enjoyed by more than 100 TI national chapters. TI further noted in a letter addressed to AMAN Chairperson Dr. Hanan Ashrawi that AMAN has contributed and continues to contribute significantly to realizing the TI mission through its participation in TIS’s activities, in addition to other regional and international activities. AMAN also plays an important role in consolidating national and international integrity systems.

Reaccrediting AMAN as TI-Palestine national chapter means that AMAN is the only organization representing Palestine at Transparency International whose system states accredits one organization as its chapter per country.

The national chapter accreditation process is an annual process consisting of a comprehensive form filling and auditing process that is based on criteria and indicators relevant to good governance, transparency and accountability. All reports and documents by the national branches are submitted to TI to be evaluated by a specialized committee of prominent personalities; enjoying a good reputation for integrity and are elected by the organization.. In cses where the national chapter does not meet all criteria and conditions set, the Accreditation and Membership Committee would revoke the accreditation of the chapter.

It is worthy to note that Transparency International Berlin, a civil society organization- an anti-corruption movement, was established in 1995 following the spread of administrative and financial corruption at the official and non-official levels and the failure of relevant national organizations in combating it hence hindering development of countries everywhere. Its purpose was and still is to assist states and individuals willing to live in “Integrity islands”.

It is further noted that AMAN has received several national, Arab and international awards. At the international level, AMAN received the World Bank Award for the best creative initiative in combating corruption, in 2009; during the same year it received the Arab Reform Forum Award; finally at the Palestinian level, AMAN received the Welfare Association Accomplishment Award for 2008.

Additionally, TI has delegated AMAN’s Commissioner for Combating Corruption Dr. Azmi Shuabi to represent TI in delivering a speech at the 11th conference of the Arab League’s Arab Administrative Development Organization to be held next month in Cairo.

Press contact(s):

Rami Mousa
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