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The Nokia N9 is an all screen swipe smartphone. Displays a 3.9" screen size that is scratch resistant ansd has 64GB internal memory.It features an 8MP camera w/ Carl Zeiss optics, free maps and navigation, Music and HD quality video with wide angle lens.
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Great stuff: - top-notch design -- N9 looks amazingly good (to me it looks better than newer iPhones) - excellent manufacturing quality - excellent phone component (better than iPhone with AT&T; I'm getting a very good reception in places where iPhone repeatedly failed with AT&T network) - works with both AT&T and T Mobile - superior swipe technology (also better than on Nokia Win platform too) - integrated social networks - 64 GB - much more ROM for processing apps (I was running out of ROM on N8 with maybe a dozen or so themes and maybe a dozen of downloaded apps) - excellently implemented *Dashboard* concept that shows important stuff (appointments, missed phone calls, new emails, etc)
Good stuff: - solid camera (but N8 was better in that respect and so is newer iPhone) - easy setup - easy email setup if you have a GMAIL account(s) (for private Hotmail use N9's Exchange server setup and it works great since MS put the Active sync)) - WiFi has a solid range - new Linux-based MeeGo OS is pretty good ... even excellent (but I think most people will find iOS and Android either easier or more intuitive) - over-the-air or cloud sync works very well (and better be since Nokia is shutting down some services and N9 is incompatible with Nokia Suite) - battery life seems to be OK (about same as an average iPhone with a few power saving enabled and the BT off)
Bad stuff: - if you are addicted to collecting various apps, N9 is either not for you or it could be a cure for your addiction. While most of the things that a typical user will ever want to use are covered through Nokia Store apps (most of them are free), the Spartan system rules N9 compared to iOS and Android.Read more ›
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37 of 42 people found the following review helpful
Let's just get this out of the way right now. The Nokia N9 is the most beautiful phone hardware I've ever owned. Not a surprise, as only Nokia and Apple churn out engineering this elegant. I'm somewhat of a phone junky, as I've owned most of the headliner phones from the major OS's: iPhone 4s, galaxy s2, galaxy nexus, Samsung focus, etc.
Hardware: I'm typing this on my iPad, so don't have the typing patience to get too much into this, but wow this hardware is elegant. The curved screen complements the swipe os perfectly, the unibody construction is so well out together, the large generous speaker on the bottom provides plenty of volume, and the clear black screen really does provide such a vivid picture that icons look like they're floating on the screen. But really, you have to hold this phone to appreciate it. The old king of design (iPhone 4s) has been supplemented.
One more thing on hardware, and this was huge for me. The antennae on this phone is pure Nokia, I.e. excellent. Typically, I have difficulty getting signal in many places in San Francisco with AT&T, but the N9 keeps a signal everywhere I go. In the east bay in the hills where my iPhone and nexus routinely would lose signal the N9 has 2-4 bars. It's really amazing.
Software: the Meego experience is simple and effective, and I love it. Before Meego, my favorite OS was WP7. To be clear, when I rate an os, personally I'm excluding available software (ie apps). The reason is I'm thinking of the engineering and the thought out into the OS design, not how many developers chose to support it. I'm not saying apps are not important, far from it, but the number of available apps is so individually relevant (or not so) to the Individual user you have to decide how important that is to you.Read more ›
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20 of 22 people found the following review helpful
I've had this phone for a little over a week now, and I like it more and more everyday. There was an element of frustration at first...Gmail doesn't seem to want to play nice with Meego. Even some of the workarounds wouldn't help my mail and contacts to sync. Maps would freeze, Drive wouldn't load, and there was a few other hair-pulling frustrations.
So why five stars? Well, most of my frustrations were fixed. Peruse the pages of the Meego forum and you'll find a lot of answers to tech problems. The N9 user community is very helpful. Also, the phone itself makes the tech woes dissipate from utter user-joy: the screen is incredible, a joy to look at. The N9 UI is the most intuitive touch screen experience I have ever used. The indicators on the lock screen are smart. I can't believe more smart phones don't use the same approach to indicators.
I'm using my N9 on T-mobile, and while I seem to have fewer signal bars overall, I have fewer dropped calls. I can even talk on my N9 in my basement, which I couldn't do with my Sprint phone. Whether or not it's because T-mobile has a superior signal, or whether it's because the N9 has a better antenna -- I dunno.
Some have said that the Ovi store has a paltry selection, but I've found everything I need and more. Sure, it's no Google play, but how many light saber and fart apps does a phone need?
Admittedly, the battery is wanting. If you have a bunch of background apps running, it'll be toast in one day or less. But if you tweak your settings, you'll easily get at least two days with moderate usage.