With 16 GB of space, it is unlikely that users will ever run out of storage space on this black, unlocked Nokia Lumia 900. However, it does support MicroSD cards for removable flash memory space if the need arises. It is a smartphone that operates on the Android 2.3.5 operating system. With a large 4.3-inch touchscreen and virtual keyboard with AMOLED display technology, jammed keys are never an issue. This Nokia cell phone features an 8.0 MP camera for taking high-quality photos and a 1.0 MP camera on the front for taking self-portraits. For surfing the Web, the Nokia Lumia 900 connects to a super fast 4G network, mobile hotspots, or wireless Wi-Fi networks. Driving while talking is safer with this Nokia cell phone because of its Bluetooth capabilities for hands-free use. Playing music on this smartphone is easy and convenient with a built-in multimedia player that supports MP3, MP4, WMV, H.264, H.263, AVI, VC-1, and ASF formats. Access to an onboard GPS makes traveling easy and stress-free. As far as phones go, the Nokia Lumia 900 has it all in a stylish package.