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With a few reservations, this is a great phone, and it is by far the most phone available for the money as of the date on this review. Since I have the most worthless cable company in the known universe, I depend on my cell phone for all of my internet access, so its only slightly less important to me than food, water, and shelter. While the Atrix HD isn't perfect, its good enough that I would still highly recommend it.
The good:
- Screen quality is outstanding
- Great call quality, reception, sound quality.
- It works great as a mobile hotspot (between the LTE availability and the great tethering signal, its basically indistinguishable from real wifi, at least in a 1 bedroom apartment)
-On paper, the phone could stand to have a bit more RAM (it's got 1 gig which is half what the Galaxy SIII has) but in practice I could tell almost no difference between the speed and responsiveness of the 2 devices. For everyday internet access it's almost like you don't need a computer at all (though typing a review like this without a real keyboard would of course be a painful experience). It's tablet-fast almost pc-fast.
-Like my old first generation Atrix, the phone is quite durable (esp the glass covering the screen), which is good for me, I'm very tough on phones.
-Note on using your phone to provide internet access on your computer btw: on AT&T you CANNOT use your phone as a tethered modem either through USB OR wirelessly unless you buy THEIR MOST EXPENSIVE 5GB PER MONTH DATA PLAN. This is no problem for me as I easily exceed that limit anyway, but this could make life miserable for the rest of you out there, and I already see one other reviewer seems to have a beef with the seller about this.Read more ›
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I've had a 3GS and Lumia 920. After shattering the 920's digitizer, I bought the MB886 because it was about the same price as a 920 repair. I inserted the AT&T SIM from the 920 into the MB886 and it cranked right up.
I like Jelly Bean. It is my first Android experience. However, it's not as flashy as Live Tiles. The MB886 screen is large and clear and the phone is light compared to the 920.
The MB886 uses allot of battery. I must recharge at night with maybe three calls and three texts a day with Wi-Fi, GPS, and data turned on. This is with Green Power Free installed, which probably boosted battery life about 25%.
I like that Play Store does not require a credit card free downloads, unlike ITunes. The Microsoft app store has slim pickings, which isn't too fun.
The only reservation about the MB886 is that it sometimes seems to lag or is unresponsive. This occurs when web browsing and typing.
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I received the phone which was unlocked as described. It works perfectly with both AT&T and T-Mobile's 4G LTE Networks and although a bit outdated, was just what I needed, a quality unlocked phone, and it looks great too.
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I purchased this Motorola atrax HD phone and received it August 2013. It worked great.until January 2014 One day I noticed the battery was not charging after I connected it to it's factory charger. It dropped all the way down to 0% then died and would not charge or ever power back on. You can't open the battery cover. So that kept me from resetting it that way. Motorola atrix use to be a great cellphone for me! But this atrix HD is very disappointing.
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The phone works great! The only reason its rated four (4) stars is battery consumption. The MB886 is shipped with a battery that gets depleted very quickly even with the very basic use. To change or get an updated battery (if you wanted to do this yourself, or if you can find one retail at a high cost, you would have to be a bit adventurous in getting the phone opened) it is therefore recommended that the phone be taken to an Authorized Motorola Store/Dealer to get this done.
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