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LG Ally (VS740) Android Phone for Verizon Wireless without service contract extension. Simply swap your old phone for this one and make the activation call (*228) to register handset with Verizon Wireless.
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About all I can say about this phone is GREAT. Well worth the money. The car charger that I got with it didn't work, but everything else made up for that.
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I bought it, used it for parts, and seems to work ok. It can be a little glitchy at times, but that's just computers. Other than that i love the phone, easy to use, fast access and the txting keyboard improved my txting speed. I can txt many ppl at the same time without much for pauses.
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I received this phone free through a promotion with Verizon. Have had it a year and the battery after about 3 months started crapping out. 1 year into use the battery needs to be replaced. Love the android platform and the pull out button keyboard, otherwise, eh.
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I got this phone immediately when it came out - in 2010, about 2.5 years ago (from Verizon store). This phone is now not new to market, and in 2.5 years phone technology has greatly advanced. At the time this phone was amazing! Comparatively, now, 2.5 years later, not so much. If you're expecting this phone to be as good as the phones that were first produced in 2012 - well then, someone has to teach you some common sense about technology. In 2010 this was a great phone, the screen was seemingly very responsive, and I would connect and get information from the internet much faster than my friends with other smart phones. One reviewer mentioned that they needed to delete text messages, etc.. in order to keep the phone performing fast - that is very true. I had the same issue, but not until the phone was close to 2 years old. I would check email, surf the web, go on facebook, foursquare, etc.. with no battery issues. As the phone was reaching it's 2nd birthday with me, I noticed some of the keys on the slide out keyboard would either not work as well or stick (and lock). I also noticed some screen lock-up (which keeping memory storage at minimal seemed to eliminate). The phone seemed to not perform as fast I wanted anymore. I was very hard on the phone, I dropped it numerous times. I even purposely threw it across a room onto a hard floor to show a friend how strong the phone was, more often than I should of. And the phone still worked just fine (although I did break off the plastic pieces on both sides of the screen eventually).
For 2010 this was a great phone. In 2012, it just doesn't compete with the technology and performance of the new phones.
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It was suppose to be a New Phone, however, when received and the battery charged the phone has not worked properly. It goes crazy coming on and off, buzzing, switching from one screen to another. I have re-programed it with Verizon three times and now it appears to be working better. Very upsetting since it was a Christmas present. Was going to return it but my granddaughter needed a phone so we're making due at this time.
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