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This Brand New Blackberry Q10 Black, Factory Unlocked phone comes in Original box from Blackberry with all Original accessories in the box. This phone comes with 30 days warranty with our company, after that there is no warranty unless you purchase a third party company warranty. It is customers responsibility to find out if this phone will or will not work on 4G LTE service, we will not accept returns if 3G or 4G will not work for customer. Here are the bands for 3G and 4G:
HSPA 1, 2, 5/6, 8 (850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100 MHz)
LTE international bands 3, 7, 8, 20 (1800 / 2600 / 900 / 800 MHz)
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I'm not usually one to write reviews for products. I've written a couple on books, a couple products, and that's about it. I read them frequently to make decisions on purchases where I am going to spend over $100 for an item. That can be dangerous if you believe that the people reviewing don't work for the company for products they review. That is NOT the case for me, and I have now used this phone for a solid month and feel it's time to tell the truth about the device.
First, you need to know about me and what I do. I'm in sales...I travel a LOT for work..15-20 flights a year, extensive heavy driving around the New England/NYC Metro area for work. I manage a team of 8 salespeople and responsible for Sales Enablement and Development for the entire company coast to coast.
It's important to mention that because I need a phone that allows me to be productive.
The problem today with smartphone industry is that they have gone 85% marketing to the casual consumer and 15% to the power user.
Then I laugh at people who call themselves power users. To me, power users are not the You Tube surfing, video watching, game playing, constant texting consumer. That would be my daughter or sons.
Power users do find a need for those features, but for me, productivity combined with need for occasional use of those features in important.
What phones have I used? I started with a Blackberry Pearl back in 2005 or 2006 (can't remember) when they first released that device. LOVED IT. It was small, intuitive, and did what I wanted.
I gradually went to Curve and when the Bold series hit the market, I was in heaven.Read more ›
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170 of 182 people found the following review helpful
I've been a dedicated Blackberry user since the 8700c (circa 2005), upgrading to the latest iteration of Blackberry's flagship model ever since. As an intended upgrade to my trusty but dated Bold 9900, I purchased the long awaited Q10 at release from AT&T in the USA and have used it thoroughly/exclusively/hourly since June 20th (a full month). I really wanted and tried fervently to like this phone. It supports Skype, the display is beautiful, the keyboard is an upgrade, and the feel in your hand is quite nice. While I did become more proficient with the swiping gestures (although still cumbersome and too often are ineffective/misinterpreted), the lack of the trackpad and other key buttons are too detrimental to productivity.
I miss the literal PIXEL precision of the trackpad, the ability to answer or end a call with a single click (though I've since learned that there is a well hidden secret combo that will end an incoming call; this is allegedly achieved by touching and holding the answer bar and then performing an upwards swiping finishing move), and the ability to quickly highlight for deletion/copy/cut/paste. The Q10 has the precision of a THUMBPRINT. When web browsing, you must literally enlarge the screen with a combination two onscreen and simultaneous finger `gestures', then when all you can view is a small but grossly oversized section of the webpage, you attempt to click the right hyperlink with the mash of a fingerprint.
The process to highlight text on the Q10 is a laughable and remarkably ineffective process that involves extreme patience, time, and LUCK! Highlighting is essentially dead on the Q10, or the process is so impossibly silly that you are forced to do without this crucial feature.Read more ›
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72 of 81 people found the following review helpful
I jumped in and got the Z10 when it came out. Although a great phone with a rock solid OS (BB OS10), I could never get used to the touchscreen typing (although critics/ios/android loyalists agree its the best touchscreen keyboard ever!). Anyway, switched to the Q10 and couldn't be happier. FYI - the previous reviewer who says Blackberry loyalists will be disappointed clearly does not know what he/she is talking about. Head over to the biggest online Blackberry community - crackberry dot com - and see for yourself.
Make sure you are buying the right model for your carrier w.r.t. 4G support. There are various models out there viz. SQN100-1 , 100-2, 100-3 etc. which support various bands on 4G LTE. The featured model here is the UK/Europe/Middle East version SQN100-3.
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58 of 65 people found the following review helpful
First of all, let me say that although I'm giving the phone 5 stars, I am in NO WAY saying it is a perfect phone. There are definitely faults in the OS, and I will detail all of them in this review. It is a 5 star phone for me since I love having a physical keyboard and the problems it has are problems that can be fixed with a software update. And I am actively participating in their beta zone program to make sure these issues are brought to their attention so that they will be fixed.
Let me start with what you'll see right away when you pick up the phone. The build quality of this phone is top notch. I'm actually a little sick of the plastic and glass slabs that make up 90% of the phone market. The only ones of those phones that stand out are the original iPhone with the metal back, and the HTC One. The back of this device looks like carbon fiber. Everyone's first thought is that it must be fake. It is actually a proprietary material they made for this device, they call "glass weave" so it's actually really close to being carbon fiber and it's 100% legit, not just a pattern printed on plastic. The fret going across the back above the battery door is stainless steel. The bezel surrounding the phone is black, but it's actually aluminum, so still not plastic. The frets in between the keys are stainless steel as well. So basically, the only plastic you'll ever touch while using this phone are the individual keys on the keyboard. To me, regardless of how nice the HTC One is compared to the other slabs, it's still just a slab of glass on a slab of metal. The HTC One doesn't have a back cover so you can access the battery, so you're stuck with the battery like you would be with an iphone.Read more ›
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