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I purchased this for my daughter because I refused to pay $500 for a new one since she wasn't yet eligible for an upgrade and her charging port was toasted on her android. I, and my daughter, couldn't be happier with the impossible-to-tell-it-isn't-new condition of this iPhone! And the little time it took to receive it. I'll be purchasing another from this seller for my younger daughter. :)
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29 of 31 people found the following review helpful
I love my Iphone alot, I haven't experienced any problems activiating it...It came be for the due date. I'm not looking forward to upgrading it. Its just right.
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23 of 28 people found the following review helpful
This is the best phone I have ever had! I love it and I would greatly recommend this! It has the same software and stuff as iPhone 5. To anyone who has Sprint and is wanting it get it!!!
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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful
I had no problems as far as customer service goes, the phone actually arrived a day before the estimated delivery date. The phone came in great condition and I had no problems with activating the phone or downloading apps. After an hour or two I noticed that the phone stopped charging. I tried using several different chargers but figured something was wrong with the USB port after my computer didn't recognize the phone when plugged up. According to companies refund policy they will fix whatever problem is occurring with their phones but I honestly could not afford to be phone-less for another 3-4 business days. Instead I took the phone to Sprint (since I have insurance) where they tech guy switched me out for a different iPhone (i guess they were unable to fix it?). Other than that the iPhone was in great condition but I may be hesitant to buy from this dealer in the future.
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good afternoon, I need to return this phone because I can not use it in my country, or make a change to one that use chip or AT&T would be so kind please contact me to talk about? thanks
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I absoultely love this phone!!! I was an android user for a long time becuase I couldn't afford the expensive iPhones. I wanted the iPhone 5c but I came to the conclusion that an iPhone is an iPhone. I picked the iPhone 4 and I have loved since. The ios7 update works fine and the 8gb memory works well for my needs. I am really happy that I got this phone and I do not regret getting it. The delievery was fast and hooking it up to the Sprint network was very easy. I am a satisfied customer and I recommend this to anyone looking for an iPhone but doesn't want to spend the $500+ for the newer ones.
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