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This is my first Apple product I have ever personally owned. I come from a family that has at least 2 Apple products in their possession but I always steered away from them.
They seem too common and very popular, I always wanted to stick out with something different but I ended up with this phone. And the reason why is because it was free, why not?
After I received it, I opened it up and the device is beautifully crafted. I was impressed but not extremely wowed because I'm already familiar with them and the layout.
Like all Apple products the iOS is very fluid and easy to learn and master in seconds. It's very nice but it's outdated. I believe it's nice to keep a good layout but I believe the same OS does get old since it follows the exact same initiative the first generation iPod touch had. But again it works, it's reliable, and easy to use.
People seem to shoot for huge phones that are light in the hand and has the biggest screen.
Not in my case. I love the iPhone's screen size. Bigger is not always the best. In fact I love this screen over other competing phones. The Samsung Galaxy SIII has a huge screen but why? I understand its easier to play games but its not convenient the iPhones screen is big enough to display a lot but be portable as well.
I have more coverage with the iPhones screen. I can touch anywhere on the screen with my thumb without any discomfort. I can use the phone completely with one hand and one thumb. The galaxy's screen is too big and you have to hold in two hands for the most comfortable coverage. And if i wanna watch movies I'd get my laptop or vita to watch videos. I don't like watching full movies on cell phones anyways. It's a waste of battery when you can watch it on a full size tv.Read more ›
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36 of 40 people found the following review helpful
This 8 gb iPhone is absolutely magnificent in its design and seemingly infinite features. The phone is durable, but I still recommend getting a protective covering for a modest sum of money to protect your investment. This iPhone has everything one needs to navigate through their daily lives at a time of fast-paced living. It's surreal that something so small can do so much. The best part is the extremely user-friendly interface that makes owning one of these phones a very attractive endeavor instead of a nightmare. The jury is still out as to whether 8 gb is enough for me, but it seems to be as of the moment. I recommend the iPhone 4 for all of your daily activities all in the palm of your hand.
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful
The phone came to me better than expected. it also came with extra accessories that i didn't know about. The shipment was on time too. Thanks for a good deal. I will recommend you.
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i have always loved iphones but this one freezes alot oh and it shocks me when i charge it the port in the phone is broke or something cuz everytime i charge it i see sparks no good
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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful
I ordered this iPhone 4 refurbished. It was supposed to be like brand new. When I got it the sensor light didn't work and every time you put it in speaker turning a phone call the person on the other line can't hear you. Bad quality. You can't make videos because you can't hear anything when you play back. Highly disappointed with product and service. The phone was cheap and to high priced for a pos that didn't work.
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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful
I ordered the iphone 4 and it said clean ESN but when I received the phone it already had a number. I could call and text from this person's number that wasn't even mine. I sent the phone back over a month ago and still have not received a refund! Don't waste your time.
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